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Category Archives: Lifestyle

Eating Healthy While You Travel

Women eating at a restaurant.

Most of us try to make healthy food decisions on a regular basis, but it is probably even more essential to do so when you are on the road somewhere. Whether you travel for business or for pleasure, eating well keeps to body functioning at its best. First and foremost, this means staying hydrated. Most […]

What Do I Pack For An Out Of Town Wedding?

Women traveling with a suitcase.

There are plenty of lists for what a bride (and groom) needs to pack if they are hosting a destination wedding. But what about the guests’ packing list? Packing to attend an out-of-town wedding can be complicated as well, when you consider all of the events that normally surround such a celebration. I am in […]

Ideas For A Great Potluck Dish

Image of a potluck party

For most of the gatherings in our group of friends, the guests are invited to bring their own beverages and ‘a plate to share’. I love this idea – it alleviates some of the stress and cost of the host/hostess and it ensures that everyone will have something to eat because they will bring something […]

Healthy Summer Treats for You and Your Family

Grilled pineapples on a plate

In addition to the sweltering heat and humidity, the summer is chock full of outdoor activities and farmer’s markets. What a combination! When you like diving into a vat of ice cream and eating your way out, consider a few of these healthy treats instead. Any number of fresh fruit tarts can liven up an […]

Yummier Sandwiches Beyond the PB&J

Soup and sandwich lunch

The sandwich is one of the easiest things to pack if you are looking to brown-bag your lunch. But sometimes that exact same turkey and cheese or peanut butter and jelly can get very old very quickly. I know that for myself, if I don’t have a good variety in what I pack, I’m more […]

How to Build Healthy but Filling Salads

Woman tossing a salad

Obviously, a salad is healthier than a cheeseburger.  But if you eat nothing but lettuce for lunch, you will probably be hungry (bordering on “hangry”) by mid-afternoon.  The key to a filling salad is protein.  When you add healthy protein to your vegetables, you end up with a meal that will keep you full until […]

Fun Summer Party Nibbles to Serve Your Guests!

Summer party

Have you ever been invited to a party and been asked to bring a plate to share?  We all have!  In some parts of the country, this can be referred to a potluck.  I have actually considered writing a cookbook called “A Plate to Share” but since that is still a future project, here are […]

Cutting Lunchtime Costs by Brown Bagging your Meals

Friends having lunch

Sometimes it is nice to treat yourself to lunch out, but if you do that daily, the costs add up very quickly.  Even if you factor a simple $10 lunch per day, you are looking at $50 per week and $200 per month! When you consider that sandwich meat, sliced cheese, and bread will cost […]

Transform Dinner Leftovers into Delicious Lunches!

Healthy sandwich on table

We all know that you can take yesterday’s dinner leftovers and make it today’s lunch by boxing it up.  But sometimes we get tired of eating the same thing over and over.  Here are five ways to transform those leftovers into whole new meals with brand-new flavors! Do you have some leftover roasted vegetables from […]

Healthy Substitutes for the Foods You Love

Deli sandwich

We all have foods that we love that do not love us back.  Whether that be something that contradicts a lifestyle choice (such as vegetarianism), a dietary restriction (such as gluten intolerance), or you simply want to make healthier choices.  Let’s take a look at some substitutions that can make you feel less deprived! Mexican […]