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Category Archives: Lifestyle

How To Choose the Right Suitcase

Couple with backpacks

If you do not already have one that you love, it can be almost as hard to pick a suitcase as it can to pick a vacation. You have to have one that not only holds everything you need to take with you, but it also has to be as portable as you would like, […]

What to Take When the Invitation Asks for ‘A Plate to Share’

Cheese plate with grapes and crackers

Many times an invitation to a game night or a football party will include the phrase “a plate to share”.  This usually means providing some kind of snack so that the host(ess) will not feel obligated to provide (and pay for) the refreshments for the whole group. The bonus feature is that is also ensures […]

Introducing New Foods Into Existing Recipes

Vegetable Noodles on plate

Most people start the new year with the intention of eating healthier.  But staring at unknown fields of greens at the grocery store can be daunting.  Incorporate new foods into existing recipes slowly so that your taste buds have time to adjust.  Here are three easy ways to gradually incorporate those healthier choices into your […]

New Year, New You: Travel

Cruise ship and the beach

It is a new year so a fresh full bank of vacation days awaits! Where will you go this year? Of course there are those days that must be reserved for doctor’s appointments or parent-teacher conferences but the rest are for fun. It is a good time to refresh those travel bags, tossing makeup and […]

New Year, New You: Diet

Woman eating healthy food

The number one resolution in the United States every year is to lose weight.  It happens over and over, people resolve to get to the gym, to eat better, to take the dog on more walks – all in an effort to lose weight. Whether it is an intentional resolution or not, it’s never a […]

What Do You Carry Your Lunch In?

Woman eating salad from blue Tupperware

How do you transport your food to work, whether that be breakfast, lunch, snacks, or all of the above? Are you the type to take a traditional brown paper sack or have you upgraded? The advantages of the brown paper sack are that the material is recyclable and they are super inexpensive to buy.  The […]

Five Winter Salad Recipes

Spinach salad in wooden bowl

We normally consider salads a spring and summer dish.  In the fall and winter, we usually feel more like having a hearty soup or a rich stew.  But here are some delicious winter salads to ward off the chill.  One of the tricks is to make sure it includes at least one warm to hot […]

Five Tips to Sticking with Your Diet During the Holidays

Woman with holiday cookies

Even the most iron-willed dieters will tell you that the holidays can be difficult.  There are always so many favorite meals being served, and there are treats everywhere you look it seems.  But as long as you maintain a realistic balance, you should be able to stick with the diet and still enjoy the holiday […]

Do You Have a Standard Travel Bag Or Do You Pack One Each Time?

Travel bag for beauty

With the holidays just around the corner, travel plans will be a big part of everyone’s November and December plans.  I’ve been working on my own packing lists (as well as those for a few trips planned in the spring), and I realized that I could probably create a standard toiletry kit and 3-1-1 bag […]