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Category Archives: Lifestyle

Five Delicious High-Protein Snacks

Devilled eggs on wooden board

While many of us think that not eating is the way to diet, most experts will tell you that continuing to fuel your body in healthy ways will help your body lose weight faster than sending it into starvation mode. One of the key parts of this theory is snacking smartly. Protein will help keep […]

Realism: Packing Your Long Weekend Into A Backpack

Woman with sunglasses and backpack outdoors

I have read a number of blogs from people who have taken entire trips with nothing but their purse. I have also read stories from regular cruise patrons who pack nothing less than three suitcases, a train case, a carry-on bag, and an oversized purse. Surely realism is somewhere in between! I have two weekend […]

Realism: Build a Healthy, Filling Salad

Woman making salad in kitchen

Yes, salads can be a great diet food if you make the right choices. But those choices include making sure that you are getting enough nutrition to keep yourself full until the next meal. Having a salad for lunch does you no good if you end up at the vending machine mid-afternoon because you are […]

Healthy Italian Options

Healthy Italian food

Italian cuisine is mostly known for being carbohydrate- and dairy-heavy and diet-unfriendly. And even the best disciplined of us have a hard time turning down the amazing scent of garlic bread. But if you plan ahead and choose wisely, you can still enjoy your favorite Italian flavors without the side dish of guilt. Start with […]

Three Purses You Need To Own

Woman outdoors with fashionable yellow bag

Some of us may have a closet full of different purses while others may only use one bag for absolutely everything until it falls apart at the seams. But if you fall somewhere in between, you may wonder what handbags are absolutely essential. For the most part, that will depend on your lifestyle – do […]

What Should You Take In Your ‘Personal Item’ On the Plane?

Woman packing suitcase

We have discussed suitcase packing lists for several kinds of trips, but let’s take a look at what needs to go in your personal item. Most suitcases travel in the overhead bin or under the plane altogether, but the personal item goes under the seat in front of you for easy access during the flight […]

Healthy Mediterranean Options

Chopped and cubed vegetables on chopping board

Mediterranean cuisine is widely accepted as one of the healthier diets to eat, filled with lean protein, vegetables, and whole grains. But be aware that there are pitfalls even in the best of dining. Being aware of the smarter choices before you peruse the menu will help ensure a delicious and healthy meal. Falafel – […]

How to Add Fiber to Your Diet

High fiber foods on wooden table

One of the easiest diet tips that many nutritionists will recommend is to add fiber to your diet. It sounds strange that a diet tip would be to add something to your meals, but it really works. First of All, What Is Fiber? According to FitWatch, fiber is defined as ‘a material produced by plants […]

Travel Essentials and Necessities

Travel items on wooden table

What is absolutely essential for you when you travel? This could be anything from your favorite pashmina for those cold airplane cabins to the candle that smells exactly like home. There are certainly items that are luxuries if you have the space, but here are a few items that can make any trip feel like […]

Healthy Chinese Options

Beef stir-fry with broccoli

Sometimes when we are trying to make healthier food choices, we feel like we have to give up our favorite restaurants. But almost any restaurant has healthier options if you educate yourself ahead of time because sometimes the best choice is not always the obvious one. For example, Chinese food can be a diet destroyer […]