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Category Archives: Lifestyle

Healthier Versions of Your Favorite Holiday Foods

Friends enjoying assorted food on long table

Starting in early October, I begin having visions of Thanksgiving favorites.  Growing up in the south, that means cornbread dressing, squash casserole, twice baked potatoes, and of course, sweet potato casserole.  Sure, a few slices of white turkey breast are relatively low in fat and calories, but who eats just plain turkey?  So I have […]

Three Delicious Fall Soup Recipes

Pumpkin soup in a bowl

I will never understand why so many farmers markets close at the end of the summer, when fall produce goodies are so tasty and delicious! One of the biggest fall soups that people seem to love contains pumpkin and/or squash. A Roasted Pumpkin Soup can be made with pumpkin or squash.  The key is roasting the […]

How to Pick a Cruise Vacation

Cruise ship in the sea

If you’ve never been on a cruise, I highly recommend it.  They are a wonderful method of travel and you might realize why it’s so popular!  I have been on three and am already planning my next one.  But when you take into account that there are two dozen major cruise lines with more than […]

Three Fabulously Easy Make-Ahead Dinners

Chicken casserole in a crockpot

Outside of being able to hire a personal chef (ah, living the dream), it’s wonderful to know that when you get home at night, dinner is ready to pop into the oven.  I grew up on casseroles, also known as hot dishes, and I still rely on them today.  I like to make my casserole […]

Taking Care of Yourself by Eating Healthy

Woman eating healthy

I recently spent a significant amount of time at the hospital with a loved one, and the truth be told, it was a complete emotional and physical drain.  Not only were we dealing with doctors and nurses and surgeons and insurance companies, but I was still working part-time and caring for my house and four-legged […]

Work travel: What skincare to pack?

Packing for a business trip

We have talked about what clothing and what makeup to pack for a work trip, but let’s not forget about our complexion.  Depending on the schedule I will have on the trip, I like to add little treats for my skin that I may not get around to using at home. Cleansing – I’ve traveled […]

How to cut calories without missing them!

Healthy Sandwich

In addition to adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to my diet, I’ve also been looking for ways to reduce the calorie count without actually missing those calories!  Here are a few quick ways I’ve discovered: Salad dressing – I love creamy dressings; I can’t help it. But I have recently been mixing my own […]

Work travel: What clothes to pack?

Packing for a work trip

While many of us may travel on a regular basis for work, some of us may be less experienced in what to pack and still have a suitcase of normal proportions.  After all, there is a decent chance you will have to take that suitcase to a meeting or a conference, so you certainly do […]

What To Take When You Are Waiting At The Hospital

woman in hospital

No one wants to spend any amount of time waiting at a hospital. Some waits are harder than others but none of them are easy. If you know advance, there are a few items that you can pack that might make you stay a little less uncomfortable, though. Something to keep warm – Whether that […]

Downsizing The Toiletry Bag – Cleansing, Exfoliating And Moisturizing Sticks

Personal care products on wooden table

As I have mentioned before, I am constantly looking for ways to downsize my toiletries especially when traveling. I have stumbled across three fantastic-looking items that could go a long way to helping with that endeavor! And they do not have to go in the dreaded 3-1-1 bag! Julep Love Your Bare Face Cleansing Balm […]