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Category Archives: Lifestyle

Oatgasm: Carrot Cake Oatmeal Recipe

Oats are great sources of fibers which help clear your digestive system and carrots are excellent vitamin A and beta-carotene powerhouses. I think that this special and flavorful cake can be a great way to start your day or a great snack to pack for when you need nutrition on the go! Ingredients: A large […]

Pros and Cons of a High-Protein Diet

Assorted food on display, including milk, white eggs, bread, fruits and vegetables

Going on a high-protein diet is one popular way to lose weight fast. This can or cannot be coupled with exercise, but before you start changing your meal plans to accommodate more protein than carbohydrates, I’ve listed down some pros and cons to help you decide if this is the way you want to lose […]

What is CrossFit?

Exercise keeps your body in shape and in good physical condition. I’ve heard about one kind of intense exercise which is called CrossFit. CrossFit is a kind of exercise program which offers a full-body workout. It combines weight lifting, cardio, core training, and gymnastics among other kinds of exercises to prepare the body for various […]

3 Best Places to Eat in Cambodia

Cambodia's ancient temples

Cambodia is a great place to travel to especially if you like to see temples, ruins, and natural wonders. It is also a place where you can experience Khmer culture, as well as try their French-inspired cuisine. Rice is one of the staple food items, and fish is commonly served as well. Their dishes usually […]

4 Ways to Eat Kale

Kale is in! For health buffs and those who would like to try a new healthy green, kale is something you will enjoy. It’s everywhere—in restaurant menus, magazines, and online articles about health. So what’s the deal with kale? I’ve heard it being used in green juices and have tried it myself. Let me tell […]

Caramelized Cauliflower Soup

Cauliflower soup is a great addition to your diet, especially if you want to add volume to what you are eating without having too much calories. I think the ingredients and procedures are simple enough and anyone with basic knowledge in the kitchen can do this comforting soup! Here’s what you will need: A cauliflower […]

Cauliflower Protein Bread

Cauliflower comes with several benefits that are great for your health. Rich in B vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties among others, cauliflower is also a great way to add more bulk to your diet without adding too much carbs. Here’s a good recipe you can follow for making your own cauliflower protein bread: A medium-sized […]

On-the-Go Breakfasts for the Working Woman

It is a known fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day but I have to admit that I miss it from time to time. I usually end up grabbing really unhealthy options such as Pop Tarts or sugary breakfast muffins. Yes, I was guilty of missing breakfast or eating an unhealthy […]

Best Phone Apps for Women

Between those twice-a-week yoga and spinning classes, that meeting at 5, the neighbor’s birthday, and that report for work, we understand that being a woman on the go can be quite difficult. Believe me when I say I know exactly how it feels since I happen to be rather busy as well. However, with the […]