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Tasty and Healthy Dips

Assorted snack dips on wooden table

I’m a huge fan of dips, whether I’m just at home or at a party. However, it’s not typically the healthiest option when you are in the mood to munch. But there are ways to reduce the fat and calories and boost the nutrients in your snack.

Here are a few healthy dip recipes that will thrill your guests:

  • Spicy Feta – I first discovered this in a Greek restaurant and have since made it at home. Packed with salty feta cheese and cayenne pepper, it is delicious with celery sticks, cucumber slices, or pita bread.
  • Avocado Salsa – Avocados may offer healthy fats and protein, however it is high in fat. To get that same creamy goodness with less fat, try mixing diced avocados with chopped tomatoes, pineapple, onion, and cilantro. A hit of lime juice, crushed red peppers, and garlic salt will liven it up.
  • Zesty Green Goddess Dip – It even sounds healthy and delicious! Full of fresh herbs and spices, and with a base of fat-free Greek yogurt, this is sure to be the hit of any party.  Personally, I love it with baby carrots or mushroom caps.

A few extra tips:

  • In any of your standard recipes such as Ranch or onion dip, replace the sour cream with either fat-free sour cream to reduce the overall fat content or Greek yogurt to boost the fiber and the protein.
  • Hummus also offers a boost of protein, and can be easily jazzed up with roasted garlic or any number of other flavor enhancers.
  • It’s always a healthier option to use fresh or blanched vegetables with these dips over chips. Not only do they liven up the plate with a variety of colors, they will also add important vitamins as well as fiber to your diet.

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