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Category Archives: Beauty

Brand Review: Sonia Kashuk

While the Sonia Kashuk brand does have their own website, the products are available exclusively at Target. The brand offers a full makeup line in addition to body and skin care products. Some of her best-known products are her unique makeup bags as well as her high-quality but affordable brushes. In fact, I love the […]

How Much Makeup is Considered Professional?

Woman applying makeup

If you look around almost any office, you will find all sorts of preferred makeup styles, from the basic minimalist wearing lip balm and possibly mascara to the one that looks ready for the runway with her contouring, her baking, and her false eyelashes.  But what amount of makeup is considered ‘professional’ enough? Obviously, that […]

Is Dual Cleansing Worth the Extra Step?

Woman cleansing face

The dual cleanse or double cleanse method seems to be taking off, so to speak. It has long been a part of the Korean and Japanese skin care regimen, but has recently become very popular here. For those who are unfamiliar with this concept, it generally refers to using a cleansing oil first to remove […]

Do 3-In-1 Products Really Exist?

Woman applying makeup

In my efforts to minimalize, I’ve been looking into the 3-in-1 concept. I am referring to the makeup sticks or pencils that can be used as eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick. The most popular version of this concept is NARS The Multiple. While I love the idea, and this product is well-loved, I’m not convinced that […]

Dressing Your Truth Review

Woman holding a palmtop

Through a Google search that I can no longer remember specifically, I ended up at the Dressing Your Truth website. Signing up for the program netted me daily emails for about two weeks with videos. Admittedly, I did get a little behind. I tend to read sites and blogs more than watch videos, but they […]

What are the Types of Eyeliners?

Woman applying eyeliner

Just when you thought selecting a color was difficult enough, we also have the formulations to consider.  The combination can be staggering!  Let’s visit some of the basic eyeliner formulas and types. Pencil – The pencil type is usually the easiest to work with and the most straightforward to learn. The technique can vary widely, but […]

Why is Contouring All the Rage and How Do I Get Started?

Woman holding makeup brushes

I’m sure that by now you have noticed that contouring is everywhere.  If you are unaware, the art of contour makeup is to enhance your features by creating brightness (highlighting) and shadow (contouring) with lighter and darker shades.  It is a very simple concept practiced by artists since art was invented but it seems to […]

What is On Your Beauty Wish List Right Now?

Woman looking in the mirror

As an admitted beauty junkie, I want to try everything! But that just is not realistic from a practical or a financial standpoint. So here are the top items that are on my “want” list! A recent product launch from Burt’s Bees, the Burt’s Bees Lip Crayon, looks terrific. It looks like a great tinted […]

What is Your Go-To Look for Makeup?

Woman applying makeup

Do you like to mix it up every day? Most of us like variety to a certain degree. I know that I don’t wear the same look to work on Monday morning that I wore to the grocery store on Saturday afternoon. If I wake up early on Tuesday, I might even change up the […]

How Do I Apply Eye Makeup Based on my Eye Shape?

Stylist applying eyeshadow

From the makeup counters to the YouTube videos, everyone has an opinion about choosing eye makeup colors based on eye color.  It is typically the opposite shades on the color wheel, for example, peach and copper can bring out the blue in hazel eyes.  However, when we apply the chosen colors, did you know that […]