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Fashion Trends It’s Time to Stop Wearing

One of the most important things that any self-respecting fashionista ought to know is what is considered in and especially what is out of trend. Of course, being a fashionista doesn’t necessarily mean throwing away your beloved outfit just because it’s out of trend, but there are some pieces that are so out of trend that it’s a crime to wear them. Thus, take a look and find out some fashion trends it’s time to stop wearing.

Fashion Police Says no to Peplum

The lovely trend of peplum that managed to easily become one of the latest obsessions is now considered out of trend and as our fashion police says: say no to peplum if you are a real fashionista.

Mullet Dresses/Skirts

Sorry, ladies it is time to leave aside your favorite mullet dresses and skirts as they are out of trend. Of course hems that have a slight dip and don’t really focus attention on their form are allowed so there is no reason to feel all disappointed.

Dark Shades of Red

Dark shades of red are another thing that we must talk about using past tense as they are stepping aside as well. Instead, bright colors are becoming more and more popular among the runways, which is pretty exciting actually.

Drop Crotch Style Pants

I know they are super comfy and there is no better thing than having the chance to combine confines with fashion trend but it is time to say goodbye to your favorite pair of drop crotch pants as they are considered out of trend as well.

Colorful Denims

Remember how excited we all were when we finally got the chance to show off an eye-catching pair of blue, green or other colored denim? Well, we may not have the chance to do that again this season as this trend is also in the past.

Colorful Ombre

Corresponding to the hot summer season when festivals and beach parties were something that you simply couldn’t stay away from colorful ombre is considered a trend left in the past as well, so if you still have hair with color dyed ends it is time to go for another hair color that is considered «in».

Bright, Shiny Ugg Boots

Cute, eye-catching, comfortable but…Out of trend. However if you can’t imagine your life without your favorite ugg boots at least go hunting for another pair that won’t be considered out of trend.

Leggings with Graphic Prints

Well, they used to be the perfect option to create a trendy, statement-making look, but not anymore. Leggings with bright eye-catching, abstract prints are also out of trend so it is time to switch your favorite ones with monochromatic leggings if you still want to follow fashion trends.

Full Furry Boots

Something that you have to pay special attention to due to the season’s requirements! Thus, if you have boots with eye-catching fur all over it is time to put them aside and go looking for an alternative as furry boots are also something that our fashion police say no to.

See also: Women Fashion Trends Men Hate

Winter 2013-2014 Floral Print Trends

Fashion Tips On How To Wear Leggings

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