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Simple Winter Hair Care Tips You Should Know

Taking care of your hair in winter will make your locks look attractive and beautiful during the prom nights. Get acquainted with some simple winter hair care tips that will not affect your budget.

Avoid applying chemical products to take care of your hair in winter, just go for these cheap and effective hair care tips and enjoy your pretty hair in this season. You may also prepare hair masks at home, getting inspired by the best recipes.

Simple Winter Styling Hair Care Tips

In this cold weather, you are recommended avoiding too much heat, as it will make your hair and scalp even drier. Heat will give rise to split ends and help your hair break easily. In this case, you may either cut your damaged tresses or treat them with natural hair products.

Consider another simple hair care tip in winter. Never leave your hair wet. You may either air dry or blow-dry it. Just put the latter on a colder level and dry your locks.

Using a shampoo with a moisturizing feature or a conditioner is another splendid hair care tip for winter. You should also choose a right hairstyle. You are advised to go for perfect braids or stylish bun hairstyles.

To have gorgeous and attractive hair, you should also consider this simple winter hair care tip. Regular cuts are very essential. When you wear hats, your hair will be more damaged, as your hair ends will split. So you should get rid of the split ends and make your hair look fresh and healthy.

Hot Oil Remedies

You should consider one of the simplest winter hair care tips and go for hot oil remedies. Take into account that they should not be hot. Take virgin olive oil, heat it, then after making it cooler, spread on your wet hair. You may also pour essential oil (several drops) onto it, as it will provide this treatment with a nice smell. After applying this great remedy on your scalp, massage it, using gentle movements. Do not skip your hair roots. Take a towel and wrap your hair with it. You may also wear a shower cap on your head. Let it stay on your hair for half an hour or even more. You may also leave it on your hair during the whole night. Consider that this hot oil treatment has a rejuvenating feature.

Natural Hair Masks for Healthy Hair in Winter

Deep conditioning is one of the necessary things for this cold season. Even well moisturized hair needs it. That is why the best natural hair treatments come to help you. Probably, you can easily find all the necessary ingredients in your kitchen. Therefore, you may take care of your hair each week, applying any of these moisturizing hair masks. Consider that you should spread these masks on your hair before shampooing. Your hair and scalp will be protected and treated in this cold season.

Hair Mask with Honey and Egg

To moisturize your hair, you may opt for this easy and effective hair mask. All you need to make this splendid hair mask is blending the yolk of egg with honey (1 cup). Apply this paste on your hair and scalp and massage it. After waiting for 30-40 minutes, you may shampoo your hair and rinse using lukewarm water.

Hair Mask with Banana and Mayonnaise

To provide your hair with shine, you may experiment with this hair mask recipe. Just blend mashed bananas (2) and mayonnaise (3 tablespoons). Then you may pour virgin olive oil into this paste or go for hot oil treatment. Apply it on your hair roots, as well and massage it. Use a shower cap and leave it on your head for 30 minutes. Then, wash and shampoo your tresses.

Hair Mask with Papaya and Yoghurt

While taking care of your tresses in winter, you are recommended going for this healthy hair mask. First, you should get rid of the papaya seeds, make it become puree and blend it with yoghurt (a cup), which does not contain sugar. Let the hair mask stay on your head for 45 minutes and then rinse your hair, using lukewarm water.

Hair Mask with Milk and Oatmeal

This hair mask softens your dry hair. You should just blend milk and oatmeal to form a soft paste. You should also add almond oil to this mixture. Spread this magical paste on your hair and massage. After waiting for 20 minutes, rinse and shampoo your hair.

Hair Mask with Ginger

In case you have experimented with all winter hair care tips and you have quite attractive hair but your scalp is dry, you should go for this hair mask with ginger. It will be the best remedy for your dry scalp. You should just squeeze the ginger to get its juice (1 tablespoon) and mix it with olive oil (1 tablespoon), and juice of lemon (2 teaspoons). Apply this mask on your scalp and after 40 minutes wash it.

To have healthy and shiny hair in winter, you should know about these simple hair care tips.

See also: Great Ways To Make Oily Hair Look Good

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