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Skincare Ingredients to Address Sun Damage

Woman covering her face from the sun

With summer comes more outdoor activities which means the higher potential for sun damage. We have repeatedly heard about using sunscreen to prevent this aging effect, but sometimes the damage can happen before we even realize we needed to reapply that SPF 30.

Here is a great summary of the key ingredients to look for in skincare to help address that sun damage that sneaks up on your skin over time:

  • Vitamin A – Most often this ingredient is listed as a retinol or retinoid ingredient. It helps reduce sun spots (and acne, wrinkles, and skin texture) by speeding up cell turnover for fresher skin.
  • Vitamin C – Also known as ascorbic acid, this particular ingredient is well-known to address sun damage and uneven skin tone. The potent antioxidants helps with hyperpigmentation as well as boosting collagen production.
  • Hydroquinone – This ingredient works a little bit differently and is less known. But it is quickly gaining traction. It helps reduce melanin production in the skin which is the pigment in the skin that gives it color such as a tan.
  • Alpha hydroxy acids – It is not specifically made to address sun damage, however since it is a powerful yet gentle exfoliator. It works by dissolving the ‘glue’ that holds the old skin cells to your complexion.

I do not really recommend introducing more than one of these ingredients at a time. You will want to add one into your normal routine so that you can best judge the effects, or any negative reactions.

If you do incorporate any of these ingredients, make doubly sure that you are using your sunscreen since your refreshed skin is even more susceptible to damage. And don’t forget the delicate eye and lip areas!

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