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What are the Benefits of Facial Steaming and How Do I Do It?

Facial steaming in spa

The use of warm to hot steam during a facial is one of my favorite parts of visiting an esthetician for a professional facial.  Why, you ask?  Let me tell you!

  • First and foremost, I find it extremely relaxing.
  • While you cannot actually open and close the pores in your skin, the steam helps towards unclogging those pores.
  • Masks, serums and moisturizers absorb better into warm damp skin and will be more receptive to the ingredients of your skin care
  • In a spa setting, it is an essential step before your professional takes care of any extractions. It helps soften the skin and loosen anything that needs extracting.

However, time and money are not always readily available for such a treat.  But you can do it at home!  There really is no need to invest money in one of the fancy little devices unless you absolutely feel the need.

  • Cleanse your skin thoroughly but gently.
  • Bring water nearly to a boil.
  • Using a bath towel as a tent over your head and the bowl, lean about 12-18 inches from the bowl for five to seven minutes.
  • After you are finished, gently exfoliate and apply any of your other skincare treats such as a mask or a light moisturizer.

If you want something a little quicker, you can also soak a clean washcloth in hot water, let it cool just a bit, and hold it over your face.  This is a very common step in the oil method of cleansing, and is probably a huge part of why oil cleansing yields such soft skin.

A quick word of warning, if the steam or cloth feels too hot, it is!  Let the water cool a little bit before resuming.

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