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Red Lipstick for Every Skin Tone

Three friends wearing red lipstick.

Red lips are the perfect accessory for any outfit. A lot of my friends say that they can’t pull off red lipstick because it doesn’t look good with their skin, but the real problem isn’t their skin tone, it’s that they just haven’t found the right red for them! There are so many different shades of red—that are all equally as fierce—that there really is one for every skin tone, you just have to go out and find it! Once you find the right red for you, you’ll never want to wear any other color. So here are the shades you should look for if your skin tone is:

Look for reds that will warm up your tone by bringing out the pink undertones in your fair skin. Stick to vibrant blue-based cherry reds, or bright raspberry colors. If you’re fair with red hair, look for orangey-reds or coral reds that complement rather than wash out your hair and complexion.

If you have a medium skin tone, you were really born to rock the red look. Look for bright, classic, true reds or some vibrant blood reds. If you want to bring out the natural tan undertones in your skin, opt for reds with a bit of plum color in them.

If you’re going for a dramatic look, dark reds look best with this complexion. If you’re looking for a lighter shade, go for a red with a slight tangerine tint to bring out the tan undertones in your olive skin tone.

Deep berry reds look best with this complexion. The purple tint will really bring out the shimmer in your golden tone.

Reds with a hint of brown or dark purple really make this complexion pop. If you’re looking for something a bit brighter, a red with orange undertones can also contrast beautifully with this color.

The best part of looking for a red that really compliments your skin is all the different colors you get to try! Don’t be afraid to spend some time really getting acquainted with the shades on offer, it’ll be time well spent once you find your true red lipstick match!

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