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10 Uses of Essentials Oils You Didn’t Know About

Maybe you are aware of the beneficial qualities of essential oils, but you do not know about their uses. They have many healthy features and they may be used for creating beauty, as well. We get essential oils from various flowers and plants. We may get them even from herbs and wood. Essential oils are not just for providing a pleasant odour they have other benefits, as well. Here are 10 uses of essential oils you did not know about.

1.    Get Healthy Hair with Essential Oil

You should know about one of the best uses of essential oils. You may get healthy hair just by mixing rosemary essential oil (several drops) either with your conditioner or with your shampoo. Rosemary is great for blood circulation, which will prevent your hair from falling down. It will also postpone the appearance of grey hair. The use of essential oil will speed the growth of your hair.

2.    Good Sleep

Lavender is known for its calming effect. It also makes your sleep better. You may use lavender without diluting it, as it is very good for your health. For a good sleep, you should just spread several drops of this oil on your pillow. You may also opt for such essential oils as valerian or neroli, as they will provide you with a calm sleep.

3.    Essential Oils for Your Brain

Here is another use of essential oils, which you should know. It will improve the work of your brain. You may go for the splendid essential oils both in the morning and in the afternoon. Opt for such essential oils as peppermint or chamomile to make your mental work better. Rosemary and lemon are also great choices. You may mix this oil with carrier oil and use it on your neck and forehead.

4.    Get Rid of Headaches

Headache is one of the worst things in the world. You may go for pills to fight against the severe pain. It will also cause damage to your other organs. In this case, you are recommended trying essential oils to calm your headache. Using such essential oils as lavender, spearmint, you will be able to get rid of your terrible headache. Eucalyptus and helichrysum may also help you in this situation. You will just need to blend any of the essential oils (10-15 drops) and carrier oil (1 oz.) together and apply this mixture on the back part of your neck, on your temples and of course on your forehead.

5.    Get Rid of PMS Symptoms

Essential oils may be used to solve other important problems, as well. PMS symptoms are very unpleasant when they occur to women. Essential oils will help you get rid of this problem and besides, they are quite safe. You had better combine several essential oils, such as lavender and geranium to achieve your goal. They are great not only for headaches, but also for spasms.

6.    Improve Your Skin with Essential Oils

Get acquainted with another use of essential oils. There are many products rich in essential oils to take care of your skin. Go for essential oils (seed of carrot, neroli or geranium) and improve your skin. In case of dry skin, you are advised to opt for rose essential oil. Lavender and geranium essential oils come to help you if you want to fight against your oily type of skin or get rid of acne. Neroli is fabulous for skin scars. While carrot seed provides your skin with flexibility and makes your skin softer.

7.    Essential Oils against Cold and Flu

No one can stay away from catching a cold or flu in this weather. Try another great use of essential oils. Just pour 10 drops of any of the essential oils into the water and bath in it. You may even combine several essential oils, such as peppermint and oregano. The first one is perfect for headaches, while the second one makes your respiration soother. If you are not fond of this beauty method, you may pour these oils (5 drops) into your humidifier.

8.    Fight against Allergies

If you are allergic all year long, you should go for this natural method of getting rid of it. To achieve your goal as quickly as possible, you should consider the importance of the essential oils. Use lemon, peppermint or opt for lavender, chamomile to forget about your allergy. Mix the essential oil and the carrier oil and spread the mixture on your temples, hands or feet. It is one of the uses of essential oils you did not know about.

9.    Essential Oils against Dryness and Dandruff

Have a look at this splendid use of essential oils. Severe weather may affect your scalp and hair, making them dry. There may also appear dandruff in your hair. Thus, you may try the oil of tea tree, which is a great remedy for this problem. Just combine tea tree oil (10 drops) and your shampoo (8 oz.) and spread the mixture on your head. You may also use this essential oil before washing your hair with a shampoo.

10.  Improve Mood

There exist several types of essential oils, which improve your mood. Lavender and jasmine have a calming effect, while peppermint and cinnamon provide you with an extra energy and improve your mood. These great essential oils are great for stresses and make your mind clear.

Get your chance to improve your beauty and health, using these essential oils. Do not forget to consider whether you are allergic or not. Test the essential oils and then bravely go for them.

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