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Honey Uses for Health and Beauty

Honey is not only used in tasty cakes or teas and coffees, but it is also great beauty treatment. Its application on your face and body will provide you with a stunning look. Here are several honey uses for health and beauty.

Facial Scrub with Honey

If your skin is very sensitive and you are afraid of applying any product, you may bravely go for honey. You may prepare a facial scrub just using honey and brown sugar. Then you should add juice of lemon and olive oil. This scrub is great for the dead skin cells. It will provide you with a glowy and soft skin.

Condition Your Hair with Honey

If you want to make your hair shine, you should use honey to condition it. You should just blend honey (1 tablespoon) and warm water. Then you should wash your hair with this mixture. You had better leave it on your hair for an hour to achieve the desired result. You are advised to condition your hair with honey regularly.

Body Lotion with Honey

Honey is beneficial not only for your hair and for face, but for your body, as well. You may hydrate your body preparing a special lotion with honey. Just blend honey (1 tablespoon), juice of lemon (1 teaspoon), and olive oil (2 teaspoons) and spread this paste on your body. After waiting for 20 minutes, wash your body.

Cure Acne Scars with Honey

Manuka honey is recommended using for acne scars. This honey is great as it increases the collagen production in your skin. Therefore, you will have a young and acne free face with the help of this magical honey.

Treat Sunburns with Honey

Honey may relieve sunburns. If you have been under the sun rays for quite long time, you may go for honey to calm the pain.

Treat Chapped Lips with Honey

You are advised to opt for honey to treat your chapped lips. Leave it on your lips for 5 minutes and then wash. Your lips will be hydrated and will become softer.

Thus, use honey to improve your health and beauty.

See also: Beauty Uses Of Lemon

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